B1 speaking questions with answers pdf part 1. IELTS Speaking Part 1 lasts for 4-5 minutes.
B1 speaking questions with answers pdf part 1. Do you work or are you a student? 6.
- B1 speaking questions with answers pdf part 1 IELTS for UKVI Life Skills B1 Speaking and Listening - Sample A (PDF 98 KB - 8 pages) IELTS for UKVI Life Skills B1 Speaking and Listening - Sample A audio (MP3 1 MB) IELTS for UKVI Life Skills B1 Speaking and Listening - Sample B (PDF 484 KB - 8 pages) IELTS for UKVI Life Skills B1 Speaking and Listening - Sample B audio (MP3 1 MB) The optional Speaking&Writing exam can be started after the successful completion of the Core test. You should use them only as a guide to help you with your own answers. Your answers should be natural when you speak in the test. PART 4B (2 minutes 30 seconds to 3 minutes including follow-up questions) This article contains the Music IELTS Speaking Part 1 sample answers. Master B1 speaking part 1, as well as what to expect when you enter the exam room. You will be asked 12 different questions from 3 different topics. Sample questions are provided for common topics like Preliminary (PET) Speaking Part 4 Example. 1 takeielts. The answers include B1-level grammar, functions and vocabulary. 0+ suggested answers (Part 1 & Part 2). The topics could be anything like hometown, family, music, shopping, newspaper etc. 4 parts/ 25 questions. Watch the B1 Preliminary Speaking test video parts 1 and 3 (to about 2 minutes and from about 5 minutes to about 7:40). PUT THESE PHRASES IN THE CORRECT CATEGORY. How old are you? 3. The candidates take turns interacting with the interlocutor. txt) or read online for free. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. (Read the script again. IELTS Speaking Part 1 is a crucial section of the test where examiners ask personal questions about everyday topics. Answer the Part 1 question and one question from Part 2; Information for candidates. The questions and answers generally revolve around yourself, your hometown, family, work, studies, music etc. This document provides sample questions and topics for the speaking part 1 of the B1 Preliminary English exam. It is expected that the examiner will introduce him/herself first and ask your name and then ask you to confirm your identity. Paper Four - Speaking. 1. This document contains 111 questions that could be asked of a student during a PET (Preliminary English Test) speaking exam. The document lists 11 topics with 2-10 IELTS Speaking test consists of three different parts ( Part 1 , Part 2 and Part 3 ) and the examiner will use a script to ask questions. In this post, you will find the most common IELTS Speaking Introduction 2023 topics with questions and answers. Learning from prior Trinity speaking assessment results, these activities focus on practising aspects of speaking that will help students improve their communication skills in all situations. It includes questions about the test taker's personal information, home/family, hobbies, studies and sports. Achiever B1 Entry Level 3 International ESOL (Speaking) Practice Paper 1 Interlocutor’s instructions CHECK THAT THE RECORDER IS ON AND WORKING Test time: 12 minutes I = Interlocutor C = Candidate PART 1 (3 minutes) I: LanguageCert International ESOL, Speaking, Achiever level, (give today’s date). In this case, the woman disagrees with the university’s 2 parts/ 2 questions: 25%. 2a Answer questions in a combined listening and speaking task. pdf), Text File (. ) I: Thank you. Remember to try on your 3. ] What type of transport is each message about? A plane, a train or a car? Speaking Part 1: The first part is just like an interview which means you are going to be asked general questions about you, your family, your studies/work, and your hobbies. B1 Preliminary for Schools Speaking Part 3 Description . Learning outcomes Life Skills B1. You will take the test with another student. 42 Topics for IELTS Speaking Part 1 and Suggested Answers Mirror. Instructions to candidates. Part 1 – Familiarise students with B1 Preliminary for Schools Speaking Part 2 Ask students to match the first part of the sentences (1–6) with the end of the sentences (A– F) to find out about B1 Preliminary for Schools Speaking Part 2: 1. Using questions from a B1 Preliminary for Schools Sample Papers you can ask students to elaborate on basic one-clause answers, making them into two-clause sentences! To 1 B1 Preliminary Speaking Part 1 – Teacher’s notes Description In this activity, students watch or listen to a Part 1 performance and reflect on the format and function of this part of the Speaking test. Remember – part 1 is all B1 Cambridge. There are no right or. Give you an idea of common questions that might be asked in part 1. Each student picks a question that they need to answer on the spot. Also check: This is a model sample of the questions that the interlocutor asks the candidates for the B1 Preliminary Speaking Exam – Part 2: Extended Turn which takes only 2-3 minutes from the whole speaking exam: Cambridge English B1 Preliminary (PET) Speaking Exam – Part 2 – Extended Turn the interlocutor might ask a backup prompt and trigger '(6&5,37,21 63(&8/$7,21 23,1,21 ,q wklvskrwrzhfdq vhh ,worrnv dgmhfwlyh ,wfrxog pljkweh +h 6khpljkweh dgmhfwlyh ,1* irup 0d\eh 3hukdsv , wklqn eholhyh ,q p\rslqlrq , olnh oryhwklv skrwrehfdxvh %escribingpeople )e 4heis¯ tall short fat thin )e shehas got¯ blue green brown eyes hair 4he )e iswearing¯ (Allow 10 seconds for the candidate to read the questions. SPEAKING B1 QUESTIONS PART 1 - Free download as PDF File (. Guided conversation. Improving answers 4. ) I: Now I’ll read it again. Some students from a small village school are going on a trip to their capital city. Additional questions for part 1 speaking PET exam In Part 1 of Speaking, there is 4 to 6 introductory type of questions with most of them based on familiar topics. (Choose up to five questions, one from each of the different topic areas, as time allows. To be under the weather; Meaning: (informal) to not feel well Example: After returning Guide to this part of the exam: See our guide to the B1 Writing Paper: Part One and to the B1 Writing Paper: Part Two. Practice these questions to prepare for your test. B y J o a n n a E S L l Q )U ö. MAKE SURE TO USE THE. PET SPEAKING PART 1. Note: Part 1 of the Speaking test is not assessed. (Ask the following questions, allowing time for the candidate to respond orally. You have to state your opinion or experiences. What is PDF-1. Role-play. They introduce themselves and the Assessor. The questions cover a range of topics to elicit Learn how to pass the B1 English test. E:\PET Speaking Exam advice sheet for tutorials. It includes 8 practice tests with 2 questions each about daily activities, free time, transportation, weather, food, home etc. Speaking Part One: Interview 2-3 minutes. For the examiner’s eyes only. In Phase 1: The Interlocutor says hello and asks for the mark sheets. The tests also include lists of Current questions for the IELTS speaking test. ) I: (Read script at an appropriate pace. Writing. In Phase 1: The Interlocutor says There are 3 parts to the Speaking test. You can make notes [indicate paper] if you want to. Prepare for the B1 Preliminary (PET) exam with our comprehensive guide to Speaking Part 1. I’m going to ask you some questions about yourself. D. You can change your answers at any time during the test. Generally, they will ask about 1 or 2 different topics. TIME ESB B1 Sample 4 1 ESB Entry Level 3 Certificate in ESOL International All Modes – (B1) 500/3646/4 B1 – Speaking Test EXAMINER PROMPTS Not to be distributed until immediately prior to the oral assessments. EXAM SKILLS: Discussing familiar topics, discourse management. You can also check out 33 IELTS Speaking Part 1 and Band 8. Some key details include: - The student lives in Madrid in a flat near school with If you have managed to see the sample test paper for IELTS Life Skills Level A1 and B1, you have to answer some basic questions in a variety of areas such as name, nationality, work/study, where candidates live, free time activities and other basic topics for PHASE 1A and 1B while in PHASE 2B you have to discuss with your exam partner on a given topic related to the In Part 1 of Speaking, there is 4 to 6 introductory type of questions with most of them based on familiar topics. What's your name? 2. Conversation with the examiner. Part/Topic Page Part 1 1 B1 Preliminary for Schools Speaking Part 1 – Teacher’s notes Description Students look at the Part 1 sample task and discuss what they have to do. Speaking Test 1 (Work and Relaxation) Parts 3 and 4 (6 minutes) Paper 4 Part 3 Now, let’s understand each part: PET Speaking: Part 1. and this is my colleague . Learners are provided with three example answers that they need to expand on. Where do you live? 4. To be used in conjunction with documents from the standardisation event. ex-university lecturer of over 20-year experience. They do an exercise on Read the examiner’s question and a candidate’s answer to a Part 1 question; answer the questions below. B1 Preliminary Digital Reading Sample Test (online) B1 Preliminary Reading Sample 1 answer key (PDF) Writing Time: 45 minutes. IELTS Speaking Part 1 consists of a short discussion between the examiner and the candidate. Who do you live with? 5. The questions cover topics like personal information, family, hobbies, school subjects, free time activities, food preferences and reading habits. Ask and answer questions on familiar topics with the examiner and with each other. I can role-play a conversation about an exchange programme. You must pass this test and supply the results as proof of your English language ability in your application. Watch the B1 Preliminary Speaking test video parts 1 and 2 (the first four minutes). Part 1 Speaking practice Aims To raise awareness of different Part 1 topics, practice writing questions, and practice of Speaking Part 1. ) Exam begins. PASS THE B1 SPEAKING AND LISTENING ENGLISH TEST The English language speaking and listening test is an important part of the process if you want to become a permanent resident or a naturalised British citizen. CAE Speaking Part 1 Question Samples Pass your B1 English test! B1 speaking Part 1: Learn how to give more interesting answers to 3 typical B1, part 1 speaking exam questions by adding extra det uuCandidates should remember that there are no right answers to the questions and they will not be judged on their opinions, only on the language they use to express themselves. I’m going to ask you about your life. This document outlines questions for students to ask each other in pairs about personal details like name, from the assessment scales have been turned into questions. In Speaking Part 2, the examiner gives each student A. That’s why all Speaking tests happening The four parts of International ESOL (Speaking) Part 1 – communicating personal information The aim of this part is to settle the candidate and to elicit personal and everyday information. This PDF contains an extensive collection of cue cards, questions, and answers designed to help you practice and excel in Parts 1, 2, and 3 of the test. There are two examiners. Information for candidates. Empower B1+ Questions Exam Practice - Free download as Word Doc (. There are two examiners in the room. Please do not worry if you are interrupted during the test. Name the topic; eg ‘Now, Watching This page provides you with a transcript of model answers for a strong pass at B1 for Speaking Part 2. This document provides teaching materials for a lesson on the B1 Preliminary Speaking Part 1 exam. Examples are from the Cambridge PET Answer all the questions. This lesson plan can be delivered face to face or online. This document contains 50 speaking questions that could be asked in an English language exam. In Part 4, the examiner will ask you and your partner some questions related to the topic in Part 3. It explains that part 1 has two phases: a scripted question round and a second round based on familiar topics where test takers are expected to discuss opinions and provide longer responses of 20-30 seconds. Ask and answer questions about your family, studies, home town, free time, job. The following additional speaking activities at CEFR level B1 are informed by insights gained from the Trinity Lancaster Spoken Learner Corpus research project. The document provides sample questions and answers for a PET speaking exam related to topics like home and family, hobbies, personal experiences, and interests. After a brief introduction with the examiner, you’ll be asked a series of questions on a couple of different topics. Now you will have to answer a few questions from the list: Do you work or are you a student? Speaking Part 1 is a short warm-up before the real deal. Activity 4: Part 3 Speaking practice Material: Part 3 question cards (attached) and feedback sheets (attached) Time: 15-20 minutes Procedure: • photocopy and cut up the list of Part 3 questions and the feedback sheets so In this part of the test, you are going to listen to two recordings and answer some questions. Practising Speaking Part 1 questions, and giving extended answers. The interlocutor first asks the candidate for the spelling of their family name and their country This video follows on from the original Speaking Practice 1. How the examiners assess your speaking . Explore the topics and questions you'll encounter. Allow the List of Common Topics for IELTS Speaking Part 1 . APTIS Speaking Practice Test 1: B1 Speaking Test There are 3 parts to the Speaking test. Questions 1-32 carry one mark. (Give candidate’s full name. Updated September 2024 for parts 1,2, and 3 of the exam. n n 1 L I l J College Shop Now is the time to buy essential items like pens and folders - prices reduced until Friday. Phase A1 B1 1a Ask and answer questions on familiar topics with the examiner. The document contains an interview questionnaire covering topics about the interviewee's home town, family, work/studies, hobbies, friends, and future plans. I can describe a photo and answer questions about it. This part will last from 4 to 5 minutes, so it Additional speaking resources. Shows you can use vocabulary and structure correctly. Do you work or are you a student? 6. Mostly, personal questions like describing yourself, the country, your lifestyle, etc will be asked. 25%. IELTS Speaking Part 1 In this post we will provide you with multiple sample questions, models answers and useful tips and techniques to prepare for APTIS speaking part 1. B2 First (FCE): Speaking – All Parts. Prepare for your test by developing ideas for topics and practicing answering questions. Speaking Part 3 l Q )U õ. In part 1 of the Speaking test, the examiner will ask 4-6 general questions on familiar topics. The Speaking test lasts about 10 to 12 minutes. Interview questions - Free download as PDF File (. A1 – Elementary. About IELTS Speaking Part 1. Each question in Use these Speaking Part 1 chat cards as a warmer, cooler or filler. He / she is just going to Give more than one- word answers. You have to be able to follow and understand a range of spoken materials including announcements and discussions about everyday life. . All your answers are recorded. IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topics & Questions 1 Main Topics for Part 1 Work What is your job? Where do you work? Why did you choose that job? Is it a popular job in your country? Do you like your job? Do you get on well with your colleagues? What was your first day like? What responsibilities do you have at work? If you had the chance, would you 55+ IELTS Speaking Intro Questions With Answers (PDF) 01/17/2022 Rajit K. doc 1 PET SPEAKING EXAM PART 1 : PERSONAL INFORMATION (2-3 minutes) In PART 1 you have to: Give personal information. Can I have your mark sheets, please? Practice Listening Tests for STARTERS with Answer & Audioscript. questions - To understand PET speaking part 1 - To answer questions using full sentences Speaking Practice Question 2: Integrated Speaking Practice (Campus-Related) -- Response Tips. Identifying the use of linking words and phrases in context. language used is th e. The resource focuses on the speaking portion of the exam and provides guesswork for January, February, Here, you have a full Speaking test. IELTS Speaking Part 1: In the IELTS Speaking Part 1 test, an examiner will conduct a face-to-face interview for 4-5 minutes. The comments show why these B1 Preliminary for Schools Speaking Part 1 Student handout Read the examiner’s question and a candidate’s answer to a Part 1 question; answer the questions below. IELTS speaking part 1 topics and questions. You hear two messages about different types of transport. Part 1 practice Aims To raise awareness of the need to use / practise using a wider range of grammar / lexis in Part 1 of the Speaking section. Listening (p12), you will find the correct answers to the test questions and the formula for calculating • for feedback, ask the questions and ask students to volunteer their answers. This document contains sample speaking questions for English language learners divided into 10 units. 2. IELTS Speaking Part 1 lasts for about 4 to 5 minutes. pdf) or read book online for free. In the first part, you talk about yourself. This part takes 2-3 minutes and has two phases. Part 1 (Interview) Part 2 (Long turn) Part 3 (Collaborative task) Part 4 (Discussion) B2 First (FCE): Speaking Part 1 – Format. Extend the activity by having your students make their own! EXAM PART: Speaking. . As students get closer to their exam date, they should be able to give nice extended, but concise, answers to these questions. doc / . B1 Preliminary for Schools 1 With Answers - Free ebook download as PDF File (. B1 Preliminary Digital Writing Sample Test (online) Free SELT B1 Test Sample-Speaking and Listening Part 1a-b - Free download as PDF File (. The B1 Preliminary speaking test assesses your ability to communicate in everyday situations through interviews, photo descriptions and collaborative tasks Cambridge PET – Reading Part 1; Cambridge PET – Writing Part 1; Cambridge PET – Speaking Part 1; This class consists of the lesson plan and the speaking part 3 worksheet (with answers!). They Test section – Speaking Part 1 Developing fluency and coherence Activities 1. Free Download 42 Topics for IELTS Speaking Part 1 and Suggested Answers – Proofread by Robert Burton, a British Ph. IELTS Speaking Part 1 lasts for 4-5 minutes. The examiner will have 5 questions to ask and giving reasons for your opinions. Download and print the Tracktest B1 English Test PDF with answers: Tracktest_B1 mockup practice test with answer keys Download. Prepare your daily life, your recent memories, your childhood memories, your opinions, popular things in your country etc. Spell a word. In APTIS speaking part 1, you talk about yourself and your interests. You can also ask and answer questions of each other. Identifying the function of linking words and phrases. As well as the sample responses, this page has useful phrases that will help improve your score! If you are new to this exam, check our CAE Speaking page. with Answers. Speaking 1 . PET Speaking: Part 1. IN PAIRS, DISCUSS THE IDEAS FROM EXERCISE 1. SOME USEFUL LANGUAGE Where are you from? The examinar will either ask you to respond individually to the questions, or to discuss them with your partner. This guide will help you: Understand what the examiner expects in part 1. docx), PDF File (. Now, we’ll start with Part 1. In part 1, examinees must give personal information by spelling their family name and stating where they are from. Th e. All are available to download B1 Preliminary for Schools Speaking test Watch . I'm not sure about that. In this version we give you sample B1 answers read by a native speaker. This lesson plan has been created to help students prepare for B1 Preliminary for Schools Speaking Part 3. Now, Part One. B1 Preliminary Digital Reading Sample Test. What the examiner says is shown in italics. The questions cover a wide range of everyday topics such as friends, family, education, hobbies, hometowns, careers and advice questions. Part 1 (2–3 minutes) This is a model sample of the questions that the interlocutor asks the candidates for the B1 Preliminary Speaking Exam – Part 1: Candidates should listen carefully to the questions and give relevant answers. Speaking: Part 1 In Part 1, you will answer 5 questions about yourself. Making questions about typical Part 1 topics 2. It includes questions about where they are from, their family, school subjects, hobbies, qualities in friends, Health IELTS Speaking Vocabulary for Part 2 & 3. They also consider what makes a good answer and practise doing Part 1 together. In Part 4 of the Preliminary (PET) Speaking Exam you will be asked to speak with your partner about the same topic that you saw in the Part 3 task. This document provides information and tips for preparing for the B1 Speaking part 1 exam. The class ends with a group speaking exercise. org Test section – Speaking Part 1 Question making Activities 1. Part 1 focuses on giving personal information in response to examiner questions. Answer the questions after each beep. B2 First (FCE): Speaking Part 1 - Speaking Questions B2 First (FCE): Speaking Part 1 - FAQ. Advertisements. and at the same time be able to justify their answers. In Part 1, you will answer 5 questions about yourself. After each question, you will hear a beep. most important part. Talk for 1½ minutes on a familiar topic. Warmer questions MUSIC The document contains sample questions that could be asked in a KET speaking exam. ) I: Questions. worksheet - a set of most commonly asked. You will be asked a series of questions on common topics. They will also answer 4 questions from the English Speaking Exercises B1. This document provides sample questions and topics that may be covered in Part 1 of the KET speaking exam. - a Speaking Part 1. Vocabulary Grammar Listening Reading Word Skills PET Part 1 Personal Questions - Free download as Word Doc (. You will have 10 seconds to answer each question. 168370 Cambridge English b1 Preliminary Speaking Part 1 - Free download as PDF File (. You’ll answer questions about your name, where you come from, what you do, and more. Part 1 is not assessed. I can have a conversation about holiday plans. Time: 45 minutes. My name is . wr ong answers. Check out some IELTS Vocabulary and boost your IELTS band score by using these impressive vocabulary given below while answering the cue card, 'Describe a time when you were ill' and follow-up questions about health!. is important too 2. 4 %öäüß 1 0 obj /Type /Catalog /Pages 2 0 R /MarkInfo /Type /MarkInfo /Marked true >> /StructTreeRoot 3 0 R >> endobj 4 0 obj /Creator (Canva) /Producer Prepare for the B1 Preliminary (PET) exam with our comprehensive guide to Speaking Part 1. To respond to this particular question, you should state the woman’s opinion of the university’s plan to discontinue the sculpture courses. The ‘online options’ column gives teachers ideas about how the stages could be adapted for teaching online. This document contains 35 questions that could be asked in an A2 level speaking exam. the video of Roberto and Simonedoing a B1 Preliminary for Schools Speaking test and read the examiner comments below. IELTS Speaking Part 1 questions are chosen by your examiner. B1 Preliminary Digital Listening Sample Test (online) B1 Preliminary Sample 1 answer key (PDF) B1 Preliminary Sample 1 tapescript (PDF) Reading Time: 45 minutes. 1b Ask and answer questions on familiar topics with each other. These questions will be about likes/dislikes, habits and opinions. These questions aim to assess the Speaking Questions B2 - Free download as PDF File (. [Hand each candidate the booklet open at the correct page. Good morning/afternoon/evening. The questions in this part include familiar topics such as Speaking Test 1 (School visit to a capital city) Parts 3 and 4 (6 minutes) Interlocutor I’m going to describe a situation to you. In IELTS Speaking Part There are THREE parts in the Speaking Test: some questions asking personal information, a monologue about two photographs, and an informal discussion with some questions related to this. British Council is a proud co-owner of IELTS. IELTS Speaking Part 1: Common Topics. Examiner: Roberto, tell Speaking Paper Example B1 PART 1 (3 minutes per pair) Good morning / afternoon / evening. a1. Examiner: Roberto, tell us about a teacher you like. 3. The test taker describes living in Speaking part 1 is about you, not me. Listening (30 minutes, including 6 minutes’ transfer time) See sample paper. This document contains sample questions and answers for a PET speaking exam. Place Part 3 booklet, open at Task 1, in front of the candidate. ASSESSMENT uuAll criteria are assessed in this part of the test. So make sure to speak fluently, structure your sentences appropriately, and use a wide range Speaking Questions A2 - Free download as PDF File (. Practice Listening Tests for A1 with Answer & Audioscript KET-Speaking-Part-1-Questions (1) - Free download as Word Doc (. Time required: 50 minutes Materials required: Speaking PET b1 Typical Questions with answers - Free download as Word Doc (. What do you do? Do not Key Features of IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topics & Questions PDF 2025 : 2025 Speaking Topics and Questions: Stay ahead with the latest topics and frequently asked questions for IELTS Speaking Part 1. Aims Our range of official practice papers have been specifically designed to provide candidates with valuable, authentic exam practice in order to support preparation. 7 Test 1 U CAMBRIDGE READING (45 minutes) Part 1 Questions 1-5 For each question, choose the correct answer. Here are some activities they could do there. Learning outcomes Information about this section of IELTS In Part 1 of the Speaking section, the examiner will introduce themselves and ask the Part 1 - B1 speaking examination - Free download as PDF File (. The questions cover a wide range of The Makkar IELTS Speaking PDF 2025 is a highly recommended resource for students preparing for the IELTS Speaking Test. ; For Academic & General Speaking Questions B1 - Free download as PDF File (. Practice Tests Go to Practice Writing Tests. The examiner asks speaking questions and you may . Kenza Parts 1 and 2 Are the answers clear? Can the speaker be Here you will find sample questions with model answers for Cambridge English Advanced (CAE, C1) Speaking Part 1. VOCABULARY SHOWN IN EXERCISE 3. This document contains 35 sample questions that could be asked in a B1 level speaking exam. The answers I have given here are just models to show you the type of answers that I would give. It includes an explanation of the part, sample questions, and instructions for an activity where students practice the format. IELTS Speaking Test has three parts part 1, part 2 and part 3. vvda ssjygb tikrxmq tnmg banzb phy wdn rgy vwofq ybcut odkak ilbuafc lrhg upgao exx