Wow transmog appearance not showing up. But it's actually up-to-date when you get in.

Wow transmog appearance not showing up I got two hunters atm so can farm mog tier sets faster, I noticed some PvP sets I buy on one doesn’t show up on the other? I noticed some PvP sets I buy on one doesn’t show up on the other? Normal PvE teirs don’t World of Warcraft Forums Singular item appearances not showing in transmog? Support. A weird question. I have filled out a bug report in game, but I am also making this post here, so other people can see this as well. Updated: 1 year ago Article ID: 333883 Common Problems. There's sometimes different variations hidden. How to toggle World of Warcraft Forums Paladin legion artifact appearances not showing up in transmog. Transmog is not available for characters in WoW Classic Era. For example my If you transmoged your weapon into an artifact appearance, try to change this appearance first for a non-artifact one. Just cleared it on my druid, and similarly I got plate gear for paladin and warrior that it didn’t give Yes, I’m aware that they can only be mogged onto demon hunters. When I go to one, it doesn't show up. Top. I transmogged my staff to the ugly ‘Claws of Ursoc’, I right click in the transmog window to select the Hidden Appearance The World of Warcraft Transmogrification subreddit! Want to show off your new outfit that you've thrown together in World of Warcraft? Do it here! Please read the sidebar to see our rules and guidelines, links to other subreddits and helpful transmog-related websites. However, now with the new system. Community. It's mostly their previous or even 2-3 transmogs 'back' from their current. The artifact appearances show up in the appearances tab, and tells me to visit a Transmog person to apply the appearance. Now I am unable to. And based on how i have items i can transmog where i vendored them years ago and some dont, i can I was able to transmog all skins and tints of the Ashbringer without any problem. I also crafted some tailoring gear for Transmog and it will not add into my collection. I have gone to many transmog shops and even use Hey All, I recently went through Ursoc with my Drood and got the hidden appearance for the Claws of Ursoc (Guardian) and want to use it in BFA. ), ALL THE THINGS tracks everything in one contained window. The Sprite Darter's Wings I have had for a while are suddenly no longer in my collection. I am druid and i can wear them all. When I check the vendor on alts on the same wow account, it shows I don’t have that appearance. I can't imagine it's that hard to fix this, no? Share Sort by: Best. in transmog option (why thought it was missing because transmog not showing it or hidden appearance) checked two doors, and can’t open. For example, my DH is showing only 1 glave transmogged as an artifcat appearance, and the other weapon is showing as a weapon from Helfire Citadel, but the outfit is the same as transmogmy Mage is in a totally different outfit and weapon transmog, and my paladin is in something completely different for half of their outfit, and their weapon is baseline Unlock transmog on ANY character? - World of Warcraft Forums Loading Logged in to 8. They look good but are low level, so it is really sad they wont appear in appearances 🙁 Basically the title. When ever I earn an upgraded pair of shoulders, I would reapply the appearance to the new shoulders. The Warglaive of Azz isnt warbanding to my other toons. They are class specific, so they do not show up on any other leather classes except monk, because i only earned the monk-exclisive version. Since WoW: The War Within, you I though the new transmog operation was that now any character can collect appearances no matter what armor type they wore. I can't. It’s not showing up on my transmog tab. Any Ideas? Not sure why this is posting under lvl10 character Since blizzard ‘‘doesn’t help’’ with these issues per their help page, i am desperate for some help on what to do. The World of Warcraft Transmogrification subreddit! Want to show off your new outfit that you've thrown together in World of Warcraft? Do it here! Please read the sidebar to see our rules and guidelines, links to other subreddits and helpful transmog-related websites. There seems to be a lot of confusion out there whether this is a bug or it intentionally not possible With 8. 1. When I walked around the world, it wasn’t showing, it was simply hidden. The newest ones not showing up are the Earthen ones I got when I started an Earthen. Transmogrification. 1 - Common Issues Missing Transmog from Shop Purchase. Any ideas on what to do? Before anyone says it I am 100% sure they aren't Horde / Alliance only items. Reply reply is this a bug? lots of other 3 piece sets appear in the appearances tabs as such. I was able to re-xmog my weapon to get the appearance back, however upon relogging, I was reverted back to the original standard bear appearance. Not sure if this is working as intended (and I really hope it’s not intended) as I was able to just before reset, but it seems it’s no longer possible to transmog Legion artifacts over my weapons anymore. In addition, this character received a level My first 70 on MoP Remix was a priest. I purchased a timewalking gear item from the vendor. The new "Shirts" with unique looks can’t be learned because they reference the learned TransmogSet ID. I found a console command that make it so it shows if I hadn’t collected them again but the tool tip show I have collected them is not showing still. When I go back to buy more the vendor items are rarely showing that I already know the items that I have purchased before. Most of them showed up after I transmogged them on the same character and then undone it but these two just won't appear. Does this become availabe after cata drops? vP Item Transmogs Rather than utilize the Replica PvP Vendors that were originally added in patch 4. Just give it some because I’ve had to wait days Reply reply you might want to try and right click your fang of ashamane in the transmog tab while you try to mog it. down box in the mog window. There it will show you the different appearances from the legion artifact. Dungeon Set 1 will show up in I've been using these shoulders as my main transmog since then. Question in my experience it takes some time for the artifact appearances to show up. 2. Croil-kilrogg August 5, 2020, 5:26pm 1. This is unique to this character and is not account-wide. I have the stuff in my backpack, or bank: still not working. with that said i recently picked up I just unlocked the arms warrior artefact weapon and I'd like to use the appearance of it but it doesn't show up on my unlocked appearance list. I now can only see 1 page IN THE ACTUAL I'm levelling my DK (now 67), and pre patch 7. It’s the toon I am posting on: First the helm transmog disappeared, despite the fact that it would show up in the transmog window AND on my character on the character select screen. I purchased it a week or more ago, and currently have my helm using it as a transmog. Hello, a few trading post items (Lost Crown of the Arcane, Tiercel’s Wing, and Crimson Bicorne for example) broke with the most recent weekly reset and are not populating in collections or in the trading post itself. Reply reply This guide documents Hidden Transmog in World of Warcraft, and as such, it acts as a reference hub for items and transmog sets that don't show up in the Appearances Tab until collected. Balance of Power forms not showing up? - World of Warcraft Forums Loading I am trying to transmog my regular weapons into the appearance of Legion’s artifact weapons. kind of a pain to have to select each piece separately with these : / So recently I’ve been leveling my warlock, and noticed that some of the appearances I know I have unlocked from legion are not showing up. I am able to change my actual artifact weapon to the new appearance but somehow it doesn’t show up in my transmog options. I’m on the character I unlocked the skin with, along with other AF skins that do show up. I transmogged my helm to be a mask, then a hat but in game it still shows the glasses. I bought and right clicked to learn yes, i did scroll option and did not see legion artifact scroll down. Open comment sort options. If your issue persists, reset your Is there anyone else facing the same problem as I, where most of your characters in character selection screen show a transmog / appearance different than the one they have I want to unlock more of the tints for the Death Knight artifact skin Bone Reaper but the appearance isn’t showing up on my UI. What could be the problem? I want to use it Download 'Better wardrobe and Transmog' and 'All the things'. This has been the only toon/class this has been a problem for me and I’m not sure what to do. Artifact appearance not showing up at Transmog person. On several of my toons, half, or entire sets of transmog are set as “known” however i cannot see them, or only some pieces in the collections tab. Druid Artifact appearances not showing in barbershop . and they are only the normal version as well. While i get the original version of the weapon, I can’t transmog the additional appearances of the Legion weapons. It’s not a big deal and I’m not complaining I just found it odd. 3 unlocking legendary items for transmog, I find that I still cannot transmog into the Warglaives of Azzinoth. When try to change other appearances. glorious goods, and the forge/blacksmith area. But two of my characters seem to have a different thing going on. Please fix this and allow the quiver and the bow to be visible like Thas’dorah’s. The option I have an excess amount of transmog that i have had on many characters no longer giving me the option to transmog then on multiple characters they appear in my collections tab but when i go to look for them when im at the transmog vendor they aren’t showing For some reason, in game, my helm is a pair of glasses. I With 8. I don’t have the version from the Trading Post, so it’s possible it won’t show in the list unless that’s purchased. Since it was a boost, my I just crafted the blacksmithing plate set in war within on my paladin main. When I logged back in I was showing in my old mog. Any suggestions would be appreciated. On mouse-over they show if I've not collected an item yet, regardless on if that class can use it. I just checked I have the full set of the pally field marshal lamellar armor in my bank but it’s not showing up in the tmog selection. And only from your own armor type. Technical Support. Return to board index. OnlyThey’re not showing up in my appearances tab?? I’m missing -tons- of appearances for transmog for my Warlock and Mage, haven’t got through my other characters/classes yet, but I don’t have access to roughly half of every item that can be mogged. Based on the type of the transmog appearance, it can be found in the corresponding sections of your collection. Have tried disabling all addons, restarting game , reloading UI nothing seems to be fixing the issue. Ai-bloodfeather August 26, 2023, 7:30am #1. Edit: Great for showing the marks for collected / uncollected etc, but unfortunately does not show in loot window :( But it does make it a lot easier when selling! Adds missing items to Appearance Collection and Transmog Menu I’m encountering an odd issue with TWW S1 mythic transmog unlocks on my shaman. This dramatically affects the quality of the transmog. I right-clicked on it to add it to my artifact-appearance inventory; then I equipped my Twinblades of the Deceiver and selected the Guise of the Deathwalker artifact appearance at the Artifact Forge in the DH class hall. Cedrad-the ALL THE THINGS is a World of Warcraft add-on that will help you collect, well, all the things. Note: The transmog can take a few minutes or hours to be delivered after purchase. Cant be transmogged, even thought I saw all ensembles learned upon being used in inventory. One set the NPC shows it’s already known and two other sets the NPC who sells them shows I’ve unlocked like 8 of the 12 To preface, this isn’t the first time this bug has happened and is reoccurring on this specific character. Tried different weapons, enchants, on different chars, and all graphics are maxed out. Tried on both my mage and my shaman as I like to use the Mage Tower appearances on them. The transmogs for the Legion Artifact weapons (and their respective appearances/colors) have been bugged, not showing up or only partially showing up. Since WoW: The War Within, you can add appearances to your wardrobe even if the armor type isn't what your character primarily uses World of Warcraft on Reddit! Members Online • fox437 Are you sure you are following transmog appearance rules? Items gotten by a character will only be added to the appearance tab if it is usable, soulbound, and the classes main armor type Now they are not showing up. Gameplay. I changed the appearance of the artifact weapon to Fate’s End, but when I try to transmog my regular weapon to it it’s not shown in my Artifact appearances for Legion Artifacts. New Reply reply Deguilded • Your login screen appearance is cached, that's all. Instead of having to navigate through multiple panes to track different aspects of your collection (pets, illusions, collected transmogrification items and sets, toys, etc. 7 PTR 11. I have equipped, unequipped. It shows up On several of my toons, half, or entire sets of transmog are set as “known” however i cannot see them, or only some pieces in the collections tab. The rewards clearly say that they are supposed to be for Dragon Flightbut really there is no way to know if it’s working as intended or a bug. Here is a thread for you to help us identify any issues with the system, as - The Meat Cleaver (garrison version) will not add to the appearance collection - Death Knight starter quest rewards require too high of an item level to transmog Tier 3 Any idea why some gear from Asharan Warspear NPCs doesnt show in appearances ? On my hunter I purchased a while back some gear from the Asharan NPCs in Warspear and they don’t show in appearances or with mog NPC. . Transmog doesn't appear after purchase. It will make collecting transmogs so much easier. It doesn't show up in the transmog window. Patch 11. still can’t don’t see artifact transmog option-hidden appearance gone Additionally, the “Legion Artifact” drop-down only shows a small portion of all the appearances I’ve unlocked, but all appearances show up under their respective weapon type drop-down (eg. Using the free 40k from leveling, I thought I would spend some of it on transmog sets for my mail and leather classes that I main in retail - notably the Firebird set and a couple of the monk sets since they weren’t red implying I could buy and learn them for my alts despite being on a cloth toon. I got a few transmog items on Draenor for my Night Elf in Argent Dawn however the appearances of two of them are not showing up. 3. Best. I bought some transmog for my Dh on the AH but when I equip it and use the appearance up the tab for the items in the the set isnt there. Currently the quiver prevents any bow from being visible on the character’s back. 03, I could transmog my gear to the original DK gear. I buy them and then I learn them of course. I bought all the vendor had on warrior, but no alts show their ensemble mog piece anywhere. still cant use the skin for any spec on that druid. For instance, I am trying to transmog “Blades of the Fallen Prince” into it’s second artifact appearance, “Frostmourne’s Legacy”, but it is not letting me. For example on my Warlock I picked up the Living Wood Spaulders and got a notification the appearance was unlocked. I have both a Hero Leg and Hero Shoulder upgraded to level 5/6 after converting them to set pieces. 5, switched to bear form, and I have the generic Bear form, instead of the Legion Artifact appearance, currently xmogged to my weapon. If you are currently wielding the dreadblades, you have to go back to your Order Hall in order to change which appearance you are using. Unequipping that item will make it so the buff doesn’t get applied to your character if you always want the shield to This is only happening on one character that I made a few days ago. The Adventure Guide on the Blackrock Foundry entry lists them as collected when I’m on my Warlock however it is Fortunately, Blizzard has provided a way to disable the automatic appearance change, allowing you to enjoy your transmog without interruption in WoW: The War Within—here’s how. Opened ingame shop and saw the ‘owned’ with green tick. Not with Grand exp yak, nor with local transmogrifiers. On the character screen it shows the hat and on the transmog mount it shows the hat but in game, glasses. When I go to a transmog vendor, however, these appearances are not available (this applies to the transmog vendors in cities or the one on my mount, same issue in both). Akaraven-thaurissan (Akaraven) Really annoying how unobtained artifact I reached level 36 renown and unlocked the Plunderlord’s Silver Cutlass. Yesterday I logged onto my old horde paladin and unlocked the golden tint for the corrupted Ashbringer as I was only missing ~50 HKs for it. The effect is available for the Heroic and Mythic tier shoulders, but it is not available for the normal tier shoulders. I've got an odd thing going on. But it's actually up-to-date when you get in. When I am in the maces tab to transmogrify, I can see all of the appearances, but when selecting a main-hand appearance, it only changes to what the off Post by Mishkka Hey everyone, I'm encountering an issue with the new Raid Ensembles in MoP: Remix. Note: I know there is an NPC to change this and did try it and disabled the swapping via the NPC but that didn't actually stop this bug. "On my end, I've gone ahead and reported this information up to our QA So I just finished the quest balance of power which unlocks the 3rd row appearance. 0 . If you are using new weapons, you should be able to transmog them by clicking the drop. Since WoW: The War Within, you can add appearances to your wardrobe even if the armor type isn't what your character primarily uses As example, i made Throne of Thunder dungeon and got boss drops, yet some are not added into appearance, like Lost Shoulders of Fire, or Robes of Mutagenic Blood. Kariim-quelthalas August 26, 2020, 10:18am 1. These aren’t the same weapon types as the Legion artifacts (both Went back to do the Hidden Artifact Unlock for Unholy DK finally, and after completing it, the appearance is unlocked for this guy (the one I did it on), but not for my other DK who was a 120 boost. All of the sudden items were not showing if I had collected or hadn’t collected them for transmog. 5/5 (99 Votes) WoW Transmog Frequently Asked Questions Every off hand I used for transmog, would not show up while sheathed. Did a spate of transmog runs the last couple of days and I’ve noticed that unlocked appearances are not being fully registered. I got a new helm to wear and I can’t transmog the Crown of the Arcane, it’s just gone. Reply reply World of Warcraft Forums Transmog gear PvP issue not showing up. I can use it on my horde paladin but it did not get added to the appearance tab. Post by Corriey33 The artifact appearances show up in the appearances tab, and tells me to visit a Transmog person to apply the Medivh Guardian Pack Not Showing Ingame. Renamed all the files and nothing. I purchased Celestial Observer's outfit but it doesn't show up in the collection. It is not showing up in my transmog collection, and still displaying “You haven’t collected this appearance” despite the fact that I am wearing it currently. i just finish ‘balance of power’ questline for artifact appearances than i go to transmog to changemy current weapon but it is not on the legion artifact list. While the reward says it is available for retail and plunderstorm it is not available when selecting transmog in plunderstorm. I have tried Addons to get to my transmogs and STILL nothing. I’ve unlocked various Legion artefact (artifact, if you prefer) appearances on these characters. I am not exactly sure where to go, but the ticket Over the last year or so, I’ve created and levelled a number of characters. Currently, we do not have a workaround or resolution that can be provided. I’ve logged out, reloaded, tried with no addons. Please wait a few moments and relog. Necro'ing this post, as I just ran into the same issue after disabling "Better There is a special system that scans your unlocked artifact appearances and adds them to your transmog collection. This system fires only once right after you log in on the The artifact appearances show up in the appearances tab, and tells me to visit a Transmog person to apply the appearance. Guide Contents. What to do if the Medivh Guardian Pack transmog isn't showing ingame. Self promotion of mods is allowed and encouraged. There are others I just cannot find any at the moment. ( Mark of the Glade Guardian ) Fine, so I don’t have the multi-colored hair changer glyph on. I have recently returned to the game and after having like 5-3 pages full of SINGULAR TRANSMOG ITEMS on most of my leather, plate and mail wearers and cloth etc. It looks like Blizzard knows about this. Does each character have to do the hidden artifact appearances to unlock them? I thought appearances were supposed to be account wide. 11. I go into my collection and see that not only do I have them, but my class CAN use them. For example my paladin alt can only see the helmet, legs, and feet, of the S4 Dragonflight elite set, going to the its been about 2 months since i finished the quest on my druid. It just stopped randomlywas working fine, and the next time I tried ( like 45 minutes later), it isn’t. I’ve disabled all addons and the issue persists and I’ve reset the UI Likewise no matter The Patched Harvest Golem doesn’t show in the list in the Sets tab, but if I click the toast banner when I learn a piece, it goes to the full set in the Sets tab. I thought that was the necessary So I have three outfits from paid sources (IE: the Blizzard Store) that have mysteriously vanished from my sets tab in the transmog menu. Restarted the game few times, no luck (tho couple of times I noticed on character select I was wearing my tmog set, other times not, about 50/50) Set and items were still not showing in appearances tab or on the transmogrifier. For example, a transmog set can be found on the Sets tab When Blizzard relaxed transmog restrictions, I was able to put main-hand Doomhammer appearances on both my main-hand and off-hand, or off-hand appearances on both hands as well. Adding an appearance to one Wardrobe does not add it to the other. Right-clicking the buff for profession gear will remove it and that will get your shield to show up again. Am I the only one with this problem? How I was told from a Dev that its efficient to submit a bug here to get notice on the issues with transmog in cata classic, I am currently dealing with a problem where i am missing probably around half the items that ive equipped in the past or more from transmog. After I purchased the message was not on the item. Post Reply. On mouse-over, you can see if you've not unlocked an item's appearance for transmog yet yet. relogging doesnt help, cache clear doesnt help. The items says not learned on alts. If I go to my appearance tab, I can see all of the mogs I do have unlocked, but when I go to a Transmogger or use my Yak, Tried different weapons, enchants, on different chars, and all graphics are maxed out. For example, I bought the head Transmog is not available for characters in WoW Classic Era. The armor is the same primary armor type your character uses or a cosmetic armor type. I’m not I have fully reset my interface. This seems useful, Frequently Asked Questions about WoW Transmogrification and the Appearances Collection. It showed “You haven’t collected this appearance” before I purchased. The Fae outfit, the Blizzcon PJs, and the RAF Explorer one. I’m late to the party on this one, but I got the Guise of the Deathwalker artifact appearance today. The shop says I already own this item, but I cannot select Adding an appearance to one Wardrobe does not add it to the other. General Discussion. And this happens on mutliple characters. This is causing me to buy them again because I can’t keep track of which I already bought because the vendor isn’t telling me. I put on my old helm and it’s there, but it’s not highlighting it in the side list. Opened up the sets, nope no Sprite Darter’s set. The pieces of the ensemble dont show up on alts. Odd. Having an issue with the Crown of the Arcane not showing up in my transmog window. Searching for how to apply the look I found a video of a renown 40 player(‘Boxxsie Renown 40 With Plunderlord’s . 0. Transmogs are around 80 % of the game to me these days, and it is moderately frustrating that the game spends days/weeks catching up on a changed transmog appearances in the character selection. only some Doomhammer appearances show up on the Legion Artifact page for my shaman, but they ALL show up under the 1-handed maces page). Despite this horrible decision, I was still happy that I’d finally gotten them on my warrior, and shuffled over to my Demon Hunter to at least transmog them on her. There seems to be a lot of confusion out What’s up with having a transmog item in your bag, but it still says, “You have not collecteed this appearance?” I have a few of these. Has anyone else noticed that warband isn’t unlocking appearances of the gear you get? Like I ran Antorus last night (trying to finish out the monk set). In the appearance book it says I have to unlock the original appearance to get the effect, but I already have it unlocked. I am not exactly sure where Hey, looking for any tips for why my weapon enchants are barely visible (Power Torrent and executioner). I changed my mog today then logged off. If you open your Alchemy profession window, at the top right of that window you will see your profession equipment. Hope this was hepful! Has anyone gotten any of their unlocked Plunderstorm rewards in retail? I’ve reach renown 10 and should have a seahorse mount and multiple mogsbut all I have gotten is the quest. World of Warcraft Forums Not all items are on the appearance tab for transmog. I was able to successfully unlock the Mythic appearance for the Leg, but for the Shoulder, I’m seeing the message: “Acquire a base version of this appearance to unlock for This dramatically affects the quality of the transmog. From the ingame help menu if you search for sinful elite transmog: We have received multiple reports of this issue and are currently investigating it. If fixes once I enter the game with them but once I restart my pc they show up again as the previous appearance. Installation That is most certainly not showing in the transmog tab and I am searching for it on my DK, so it should show. It’s like it was a one time use A subreddit devoted to the design, development, and use of World of Warcraft Addons. What to do if you bought a mount, pet, toy, or transmog from the Blizzard Shop while logged in to the wrong region World of Warcraft The War Within 11. Happens whether I soft log out and wait the 20 seconds or hard quit wow. I tried a few things, but then I went to the Hey, I just unlocked the Fate’s End appearance for Ulthalesh, the affliction warlock artifact from Legion. When I check on other accounts on the same blizzard account it also shows that I can’t transmog anything. All three are gone and I don’t even see the individual pieces in the tabs. Purchased Mount, Pet, Toy, or Transmog on the Wrong Region. Got two pieces I needed (while on my shaman) and it didn’t give me the appearance Thought maybe it was just a fluke. 0, we’re changing all of the original WoW Classic (Era) PvP gear to be usable as transmog I have been buying xmogs. I wanted to use the hidden appearance which I know I did unlock. On my pally, these boots seem to be showing up in the transmog sets. Live PTR 11. Only the first This is a colossal sized system even by World of Warcraft standards and we’re almost positive that it isn’t error-free. Did i only get it if i unlocked the appearance before BFA? I wanted the nice looking deathwing shield from legion to transmog. As it would be extremely difficult to try and get it again Ended up getting a mod and disabling the trade skill gear swapping completely (so now I just hack at nodes with my sword) but not had any issues with broken transmogs since disabling the trade skill gear swapping. Not sure if I’m doing something wrong. I have the item in retail and I did restart the client but no luck. But the boots that go along with the set look like they are called either "Greaves of Sublime Superiority" or "Borer Drill Boots" (I think they are look-alikes). So I have 2500+ rating and I have the shoulder appearances for all of Normal, Heroic, and Mythic of the current tier unlocked. It'll correct itself with enough logouts. Double check if any filters are hiding the missing appearance. dhcbd hhvc rke nbqbex upu jzrer ehh hnaq vssp aalh sdelar iwbt jnnniri kkzatj pixbn