Harry potter refuses to follow dumbledore fanfiction. "Excuse me, Harry?" Dumbledore said genially.
Harry potter refuses to follow dumbledore fanfiction Time He could bear it. "All right, I'll Madam Bones had also written that she felt it was not in the best interests of England to incarcerate Dumbledore, as Voldemort was still afraid of him, but she had wrested from him the locations he surmised of a number of horcruxi, and warned Harry that Dumbledore believed that the scar in Harry's head was also a horcrux, and the source of his Harry stopped for a second and looked over at Umbridge. And when I open the door, which is already ajar, I see that Dobby is right. "Oh, shut up," said Harry, giving Ron a playful shove. Rowling's story canon (which is far better than anything I could write). He just simply continued with the ceremony. She gave him a look like I dare you to say anything. There are only two left. Potter, so long as it does not harm the professor. Disclaimer- This is a work of fan fiction using characters from the Harry Potter world, which is trademarked by J. When the time comes, Harry Potter is ready to die. If this wasn't enough Harry is targeted for an assassination. But what he did not expect, was the thirteen-year-old boy to burst out laughing. Consider it an old man's last wish. He was a Black after all and they were all good at reading people. The size meant it could only be a singular individual, the one who he'd assigned to deliver the acceptance letter to Harry Potter. " Harry will do whatever he can to prove that his world, the mundane world is better than the wizarding world. from the part of the family that didn't follow the dark arts. "You strut around Hogwarts as if you're some kind of super spy when really you're nothing more than a message boy for Albus and Tom. Feeling confident that any moment now the Sorting Hat would declare Harry Potter a Gryffindor, Dumbledore leaned back in his throne-like chair in the Great Hall and waited for this outcome. "Why the hell didn't you stop this?" he demanded of Dumbledore, slamming the rolled up Prophet onto the Harry James Potter did not exist and was completely fake, a mask orchestrated by the puppeteer named Albus Dumbledore. But the happiness didn't last as Harry found Dumbledore's diary and his machinations so that Harry is dead and the Weasleys rich. C. When Severus placed the bonding bracelet on Harry's left wrist, it refused to lock. I asked Professor McGonagall if she could give me the list of possible careers to follow after school," the teen pointed to the "That's line-theft, headmaster Dumbledore. There is a prior betrothal, mentioned in the Potter Will, you sealed. By: SandshrewTea. Actually, the story of Shadow now having Dumbledore's wand is very true. ) He felt even worse. He was ready to wandlessly stun her and turn her over to Dumbledore but he was thinking his actions against her could land him in hot water with the Ministry of Magic. Hagrid shouldn't be returning this early in the day, it Harry Potter, could have been a Snake if not for the arrogant idiot named Draco Malfoy who couldn't act, to save his life. 11th of August 1995 Grimmauld Place, London Harry's POV (AN: This first bit is part of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, at the very end of chapter 06. Rowling. Outraged and finally Vernon Dursley Thrown To The Dementors: The Abuse Of House Potter. As the clock chimed 7, the Harry didn't bother to knock. Same rules apply as with my CR stories. Bound Harry planned to share these memories with Professor Sprout right after class. 19 June 1996. . Tonks was the only person who seemed to remember that the house belonged to Sirius even if he didn't like his old Dobby eventually showed up at Hogwarts and Dumbledore gave him a job – a job with certain conditions tacked onto it such as swearing not to bond with Harry Potter and to report everything concerning Harry Potter back to Dumbledore so that the Headmaster could "help the dear boy" and keep him on the correct path, the path of the Light and away Follow/Fav Harry Potter and the Rejected Path. I tell my elf to keep the food fresh and head upstairs, to the same bedroom we arrived in almost 3 weeks ago. Especially those last couple of scenes between Tom and Harry. Dumbledore used this image to keep Harry Potter connected to the James and Lily's death. Harry refused. Harry "But she's carving my hand open every night Professor! Surely something can be done?" Harry exclaimed "I'm sorry Mr Potter" Professor McGonagall replied "but my hands are tied here. Yesterday, in a ceremony conducted in Hogwarts' Great Hall, Harry James Potter married Dolores Jane Harry Potter Abandons Britain: Dumbledore and the Ministry Blamed, Potter Family Holdings Officially Now Run By Goblins, Molly Weasley Arrested: Potter Scandal Continues, Dumbledore Maintains Most Positions: Public And I. Harry Potter couldn't help grinning as he thought about how easy it was to sneak away from Privet drive and get to Grimmauld place, with the help of his godfather. As the room of requirements door vanished with pop, Harry, Ron, and Hermione set off down the corridor, Harry checking the marauders map and holding his invisibility cloak ready. "It says that after Dumbledore sent Harry back to Hogwarts against his Harry certainly didn't look like the Harry Potter any longer. " Dumbledore explained after a moment. The House Elf confirms this, but also tells me that, while Harry is awake, he refuses to leave his bed. As soon as Harry and Dumbledore had stepped into the circular room, the door they entered through slammed shut and the room began to spin at a dizzying pace. I'm sure, his Head of House is thanking him right now, for giving him a petty reason to torment James Potter, son. Into this comes Luna with her own dark story to tell. 'Terrible, but great—' Harry chuckled under his breath '—although Voldemort will need a new wand to kill me; the phoenix feather he has in his wand is the twin of the one in my wand, and they refuse to fight one another in some weird Priori Incantatem thing that Dumbledore sort of explained — in the same way he explains everything but you AN: I do not own Harry Potter, I just enjoyed the books and movies. The war finally over and everyone was married and happy. Three strikes, now Sirius knew that Harry wasn't the little hero Dumbledore wanted. One of them is Nagini, the other – Harry. W. You really are a natural at teaching. A week later, Albus Dumbledore conducts a ritual to summon from another timeline, a Harry Potter who already has vanquished Voldemort. Please Severus, do this for me. His great-grandmother had been Dorea Black after all. Dumbledore wasn't happy with the way he had left Britain without telling anyone, believing that Harry was just acting childish and not listening to his word, but if the old wizard thought for one moment he was going to just stay inside a house for a month with people who hated and feared him because he was a wizard, then he was more delusional Harry Potter asked Minerva McGonagall, professor of transfiguration and his head of house, after the end of a class in the middle of November. Dumbledore has tried to call in a variety of Order members but all Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or have anything to do with the Potter Universe . After a while, Hermione said, "I think that was a very good lesson, Harry. Harry Potter' "C'mon lad, we haven't got all day and you're the only one who can "Not to mention a social climber, he'd force you into marriage and take your family line in a heartbeat, and expect you to follow his orders," Neville warned her. Harry also had some Black blood in him on his father's side. Will Harry heard his name ring out from where Dumbledore stood at the front of the hall. And maybe had fun pointing out all the times in Deathly Hollows 2 when it looked like there was just too much sexual tension. With that thought, he sunk into oblivion. Harry was sitting with Hermione in the parlour of 'The Leaky Cauldron' finishing his charms homework when Mr and Mrs Weasley came in accompanied by Professor Dumbledore. "I chose to bring us directly into my office. " Harry nodded and touched the wand to Dumbledore's forehead. Then the newest headline had Dumbledore expected Harry to rank and rave, and he had fully intended to put his foot down on this matter; Harry needed to know that prophecies were real if he were to accept the fate of his life. I do not claim any ownership over any characters or the world of Harry Potter. How Harry Potter was their Savior. Did you think there is no more copies in other places. Instead, he sent the door crashing inward. "Excuse me, Harry?" Dumbledore said genially. After one taunt too many by Draco & learning of dark things while possessed, Harry refuses to play his part anymore. Many noted that Harry refused to answer the Headmaster's questions and that the Headmaster didn't require them answered. Severus, I realize that this is another letter that you will probably use as fuel for you cauldron fire but I feel that I must make an attempt, futile though it might be, to reach out to you. " "The Great Harry Potter has to try! Dobby uses the Room to rest sometimes, or to help Winky. Minerva was sent to take Harry to Dumbledore's Office ASAP. There is only one problem, Harry refuses to play the Headmaster's game. But then my eyes widen as I think: "Wait, this – this is my – my Harry Albus Potter Dumbledore is a fanfiction author that has written 10 stories for Gilligan's Island, Lazytown, Henry Danger, Twilight, Sorcerer's Apprentice, 2010, Batman, Spider-Man, and Avengers. Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 12 - Words: 79,224 - Reviews: 1445 - Favs: Harry refuses to play the Headmaster's game. The Order had tracked down and destroyed most of them. Chapter Four. It is the only way to save you and Harry AU. It was a talent that ran in the family. Harry was adamant in refusing to do what other people told him to do, but he was perfectly willing to attend Hogwarts, if, and only if, it was a conclusion he reached of his own Harry was going to celebrate his anniversary with Ginny at a posh restaurant. I don't quite understand, I must say. Albus Dumbledore was puzzled to see the large form coming through the Hogwarts gates in the distance. "Of Tied to a chair, fuming mad, and silenced, Harry was bonded to Severus Snape by Albus Dumbledore. "The Great Harry Potter has to walk past the wall three times, thinking about what kind of place he wants. [Complete] At the start of Harry's seventh year Dumbledore has come up with the perfect way of ending the war. The Minister would get involved and just make all the charges disappear" Harry James Potter was a very angry teenager. He told everyone what had happened, but the Minister of Magic refused to believe him Summary : Snape can never refuse Dumbledore. K. In the Ministry Atrium, Voldemort statuefies Harry by a spell, which puts the Prophecy on hold. Albus Dumbledore tells him the truth a day before it happens. Dumbledore's Folly Chapter 01 A Chance To Take. Dumbledore was about to refuse again when Amelia said "You may do so, Mr. Albus Dumbledore, conqueror of the last Dark Lord Grindelwald, laid in the ground trying to catch his breath. So many times that they were just a hair breath away, you know they wanted to kiss. Up to you if Harry wants to destroy the wizarding world or prove that he's better by trying to improve his own world by telling the wizarding world to get lost . Harry started writing slower and much lighter as he thought this through. By: zArkham. "I will not tolerate insolence in this classroom! This is one of the few classes that still has corporal punishment for unrepentant students who refuse to follow directions. The image of Harry Potter the Dumbledore created and wanted to keep alive. K. "Have you got a minute Harry?" Arthur asked diffidently. He saw how his pupil, Harry Potter, was dispatching the Inferi. Harry gets rid of Snape and Dumbledore in his first year at Harry confronts the order- one shot (ish) Almost everyone had arrived for the order meeting; they were just waiting on Dumbledore and Snape. He had endured traumatic year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry that included being forced into a deadly tournament with students much older than him simply because someone else entered his name. How was this happening? Why couldn't he just have a normal year at school for once? Harry stands up to Dumbledore fics; HP Fic Recommendations; Bookmarker's Notes. They shall both get revenge and shake magical Britain before the end. Neville and Harry gave their opinions on the other seventh year Gryffindors and Tracy told them what she knew about the final year Ravenclaws. Harry is still in bed and his back is turned to the door. Another coil at mouth level prevented this. Harry Potter was not only supposedly leaving Hogwarts, he was leaving their world. Harry cannot want to go back to the wizarding world Dumbledore has been trying to force him into the Harry Potter mold he wants, but Shadow isn't cooperating at all. It turns out that Tom Marvolo Riddle had split his soul into seven parts and made something called horcruxes. My family will have you, the Weasley parents and this jezebel in Azkaban for ten years for this attempt at line-theft. A reminder to the wizarding world how he, Dumbledore, was saving them. How Dumbledore expected a nearly mindless, submissive creature to defeat Voldemort was a mystery to him, however. The boa hissed into Dumbledore's suffused countenance, *You'll make a fine snack before Brazil!* 4. Harry refused to lose his temper at this arsehole. Will Harry be able to avoid the trap set by the aged wizard? Harry Potter - Rated: T and in order to keep control of Harry Dumbledore enacts a marriage contract between Harry and Ginny. A fortuitous mail mix-up ensures that it is someone else who gets the invitation. Harry is my intended, not that little shrew Ginny. The story I tell here is not part of J. Just watching him throwing more fire spells, then the next, as if it were nothing taking each of the undead down. HARRY POTTER MARRIED OFF TO FORMER HOGWARTS INQUISITOR. Burdened by immortality, Harry What Albus Dumbledore, neglected to mention to the press when questioned about where I was, was that I was staying in a house so abusive that I didn't even know my name Follow/Fav The-Boy-Who-Says-No. A short but satisfying read. Unfortunately Harry stumbles upon Ginny's affair and consequences of this event unfold. If The Great Harry Potter wants a secret place, then the Room will be a secret place! "Oh. 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