Best ancient jokes reddit Context: I work at a a company that works with large groups of children. The man replies happily, "Dr. These jokes are from a text dating back to 400 A. Je vais commencer par deux. Type 1365A: A man's wife falls into a river, Ha! My first toon was a ranger. There are also other entries from Egypt, Greece, and Rome. Antigone is one of the most fascinating women in literature to me—complex, deeply emotional, and relatable. The American says, "I can walk up to The White House and yell 'Reagan is a disgrace', and nobody can do anything about it. " "Don't you mean a martini?" The bartender asks. We're a multilingual subreddit, therefore submissions made in either English or Arabic are welcome. Join the community and come discuss games like Codenames, Wingspan, Brass, and all your other favorite games! The subbreddit dedicated to David Tipper. Here some examples: "Philo swears he never Even Shakespeare has tons of little jokes that modern audiences will miss. The farmer happened to be plowing the field at the time and saw all of it happen so he called up the local sheriff's department to report what had happened. This gives a pretty good list of a few. The funniest sub on Reddit. Seamus said "Yup, he's burnt pretty bad. 46M subscribers in the AskReddit community. So the next day, the Pope called together all of his bishops and said, "I have some good news and I have some bad news. We focus on everything Lebanese; the people and rich cultural diversity, the lush and vibrant nature, our world-renowned national cuisine and a history that stretches back to ancient Roman ruins and the birth of the Phoenician alphabet. Picture based reference guides for anything and everything. We're a country-themed subreddit dedicated to posting on events that affect Egypt and Egyptians. More posts you may like If you are looking for something like a meme in history, the best answer will almost always be dicks. Some of them feel very appropriate for this sub: A boy caught sight of a deep well on his country-estate, and asked if the water was any good. I love Antigone. Lean into that. The livestock was dying, there was not enough water, and the villagers were very poor. 45M subscribers in the AskReddit community. in prelims they ask from literally anywhere. For example Catullus (1st century BC) hints in Carmina, 54 that a man named Libo is only ever subtle when he farts. "Today at An Ancient Roman walks into a bar. Our latest post explains 10 jokes in Egyptian Arabic, along with the Arabic, English translations, and explanation where needed. "Philogelos" or "The Laughter Lover" is a collection of 265 ancient Roman jokes, written in the 4th century AD. Enjoy! 224 votes, 16 comments. Ask away! The funniest sub on Reddit. " The second man looks at the first, eyes wide, and says "I shall take a knife, and with it, I shall stab your eyes!" TIL: People paid to have their mail delivered to them until March 3rd, 1863 when the US Congress established free mail delivery to cities. Chaucer joked about dicks and farts. So when an old woman's açaí tree one day produced an enormous fruit, larger than a man's head, it The funniest sub on Reddit. His two best friends, Seamus and Sean, were sent for. Its after they started adding poorly made/non history/non educational like ancient aliens or pawn shows that it went very downhill, though I remember it being in decline quite a ways before that. For arena it is hands down Dark Cacao at the moment. Outside Ancient Rome, there was a village that had fallen on hard times. Noun. Welcome to Reddit's premier Shakespearean subreddit! Here, we can discuss the Bard, his greatness, his works, and his life. Discover the myths and legends of ancient civilizations in this collection of hilarious jokes from the past. And someone else replied his grandfather died at Auschwitz after seeing 2 guys having sex underneath a guard tower. The Apology, Crito, and Phaedo fit here. These are jokes. The Philogelos contains an entire chapter on people with bad breath, where a good number of the jokes are about people thinking that someone farted. If the jokes were about stupid people, you wouldn't care. I still go so far as saying ‘ha. New comments cannot be posted. This was similar to what we know as stand up comedy. Give me a break. ADMIN MOD A time traveller goes back to Ancient Rome "Halt, strange person! where are Hello everybody. In modern historiography, ancient Rome encompasses the founding of the Italian city of Rome in the 8th century BC, the Roman Kingdom, Roman Republic, Roman Empire, and the collapse of the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century AD. 15 votes, 30 comments. 1. In the second account, Posted by u/Refrith - 7 votes and 1 comment What is the oldest one we know? were there jokes as we known them today back when Ancient civilizations stood? This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast Naturally, none of the brothers were wearing seat belts and flew right out of the soft top strewing the five of them all over the field. Hundreds of jokes posted each day, and some of them aren't even reposts! An ancient Chinese joke, at least a thousand years old. The best place on Reddit for LSAT advice Sub for posts about Ancient Greek history, archaeology, language, philosophy, art, poetry, theatre - anything interesting about the culture and history of the ancient Hellenes, from around 1500 BCE until the demise of the Ancient World (approximately 400 CE). true. Posts may involve every dialect of ancient Greek. Many of them rely on context that you need to know about London or English Society of the times. "I'll have a martinus please. You two have history. If you want to read some Roman Humour I'll direct you to Martial's Epigrams (an epigram is a short poem), it's the closest you'll find to jokes. Posted by u/SmiffnWessn - 34 votes and 10 comments If you are through the modern history part , then only you should take up ancient history. Even if I don't reply to Posted by u/SomethingLikeThat74 - 2,903 votes and 1,072 comments The oldest known written joke is from ancient Sumeria and was written down about 1900BCE. Posted by u/ErX29 - No votes and 10 comments Welcome to Reddit's premier Shakespearean subreddit! Here, we can discuss the Bard, his greatness, his works, and his life. This is a 99 Funny Cringe Jokes That Will Make You Groan; 100 Funny Lame Jokes That Are So So Stupid in 2025; 200 Funny Pun Jokes to Share with Your Friends in 2025; 90 Best Valentine’s Day Dad Jokes to Steal Hearts; 75 Best “Tell Me a Joke” Jokes For Your Daily Laughs; 150 Funny One-Liners for a Quick Laugh Any Time in 2025 From Thomas Friedman's From Beirut to Jerusalem, as relevant today as it was in the 80s: . A family doctor, internist, surgeon and pathologist go duck hunting together. However, Poison IV would just make you really itchy. Often (but not always) a verbal or visual pun, if it elicited a snort or face palm then our community is ready to groan along with you. please skim through previous year questions (2013 onwards) for nature of questions . 13K votes, 149 comments. • The Philogelos was the ancient version of Punch. 2. The only joke I ever heard about Syrian President Assad was told by a Lebanese. Humor has always relied on more a more subtle and familiar type of language, one that wouldn't be recorded in scholarly writings or easily picked up by non-native speakers. "If I wanted a double I would have asked for it. I am also the founder of Legendary Times Books, and I’m very excited to share that an all-new season of The funniest sub on Reddit. Crypto Ivan Pavlov is famous for 'Conditioned Reflex' experiments with dogs, wherein he provoked a physiological response in the dogs - namely salivation - by associating their feeding time with the ringing of a bell. reReddit: Top posts of December 13, 2021 Good joke, although the real story goes that Socrates' wife was a total shrew, and once emptied a chamber pot over his head. It can be challenging to find specific jokes told by ancient Romans, as many of their jokes were recorded in texts that are difficult to attribute to specific individuals. I remember many of those jokes fondly. We thank you for your interest in Chrysippus was a stoic philosopher known for his good humour. Jokes in another language are hardbut learning just a few of these will impress Egyptians everywhere. Welcome to r/AskHistorians. e. Read this on Reddit once before, so apologies to the person whose joke I stole: Welcome! This is a friendly place for those cringe-worthy and (maybe) funny attempts at humour that we call dad jokes. The Reddit LSAT Forum. Welcome! This is a friendly place for those cringe-worthy and (maybe) funny attempts at humour that we call dad jokes. New York City delivered residential mail 4 times daily until 1940. Here's how Wikipedia has his death: He died during the 143rd Olympiad (208–204 BC) at the age of 73. The Pope replied: "The bad news is that we lost the Wonder Bread account. I'm a person of colour too. Welcome to HumorNama, the original source of all memes, jokes and funny stories on the Internet. This subreddit is dedicated to discussions about ancient Greek language and literature. Please Read Our Rules before you comment in this community. We are probably looking at the guy's life's work. This is a where jokes start to evolve into memes thanks to better Best of Reddit; Topics; Content Policy Copy link Go to Jokes r/Jokes. After that, being true and genuine with your comments will be best. Two nuns are driving down the road when Dracula jumps out. gg/jokes Also at the top of the mountain, there was an ancient monastery where ancient monks lived. Open menu Open 70 Funny Greek Mythology Jokes Through Ancient Gods Jokes humornama. " 32 votes, 15 comments. In the first account, Chrysippus was seized with dizziness having drunk undiluted wine at a feast, and died soon after. 3M subscribers in the NoStupidQuestions community. I remember a macro something along the lines of "pulling a %t, tanks to the front, casters to the back, rangers just try to look busy" I ended up making a pretty good off-tank and secondary healer though. The second part is Plato using Socrates as a mouthpiece to expand on Socrates's own ideas, i. Here's a sample: An Abderite (someone from Abdera, apparently the butt of quite a few jokes) saw a eunuch talking with a woman and asked him if she was his wife. , though some of them might be even older. It is such a powerful play, especially with a good translation. It went like this: After a national “election” in Syria, an aide comes to President Assad and says, “Mr. 182 subscribers in the HumorNama community. He found that he could train the dogs by ringing the bell and it would, even in the absence of food, cause the dogs to salivate in expectation, therefore proving the 'conditioning' The #1 Reddit source for news, information, and discussion about modern board games and board game culture. com Open. David Tipper, or Tipper for short (born 1976)is a British composer and producer specializing in electronic music that ranges from Ambient, through Trip Hop, to uptempo Nuskool Breakbeat. If it seems like something someone might print, physically post, and reference then it is a good link for this sub. Part of the problem with ancient jokes is that, much like with inside jokes, you really had to be there. Others are puns that don't work with modern accents. Thus far the oldest joke that we have been able to identify by this definition is an old Sumerian saying from ~1900 BCE that is 525 votes, 61 comments. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. but philosophies, buddhism , jainism , VN empire,,economic history etc reappears every year. so be selective. Any good sources for research on fart jokes in ancient times . It's a subreddit for pictures of comedians telling jokes. 10 Egyptian Arabic jokes. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. There is a body of European folktales, ATU 1365, which deal with the contrary wife. I think he would have been quite happy to learn that Diogenes was messing around with his wife. An American man and a Soviet man are arguing over who has more freedom. Veganism: A philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude—as far as is possible and practicable—all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of animals, humans and the environment. Reply reply PussyStapler Ancient Greeks used to like calculating things using fruit, but got angry when they got the wrong answer. 5^4 x mult addition. Looking for amything from sumerians to jesus but if you got anything real good that might come before or after it would be very apreciated, I don't really care too much just want to know more about some historical fart jokes. Medieval jesters joked about testicles and shit. They could come back in the meta eventually, but right now Hollyberry and Pure Vanilla have been all but pushed out of top tier PVP. Locked post. Its 190 ancient jokes and hilarious ancient puns to laugh out loud. The ancient Greeks may have had a fondness for philosophy but they also liked a good laugh. 8M subscribers in the standupshots community. Hundreds of jokes posted each day, and some of them aren't even reposts! It passes the recently recognized 4th test though “whether or not it can be a good reddit post”. Others are puns The oldest joke in this article, 10 ancient jokes, is a fart joke from Sumeria ~1900 BCE. ’ when coming across some jokes (except the city of Abdera gets such a bad rap - there are a few ‘your mum’ style jokes in there where the entire punchline seems to rest on being an Abderite). Chang did the 4. A Roman Philosopher would give his philosophy that would make the audience laugh. Long A man visits his sick friend, and finds him to now be well and energetic. Be vulnerable and show your love for the groom and express your excitement for the Joke. " Reply reply naphini This subreddit is dedicated to discussions about ancient Greek language and literature. Understand that rule breaking comments get removed. The oldest "rule of three" joke we know of dates to about 1200BCE in Mesopotamia. For reference, you can look at Facetiae by Bracciolini, considered the first joke book. idea is to be get best result with minimum time( . The problem is, I've been working here for 6 years and at this point there are very few kid friendly jokes that aren't the same 6-7 or ancient repeats from years past. So nerites is a sea nymph that dated aphrodite before she was a goddess in Olympus. He didn’t like climbing stairs in his old age. 1) A thing that someone says to cause amusement or laughter, esp. A friend of mine is a Latin scholar at a university in New Zealand, and frequently translates old Latin texts. The other two are mainly reserved to PVE use at the moment. Business, Economics, and Finance. The Latin epigrammists and satirists also made several jokes revolving around farts. Throw in some wild cards and red seals and ancient joker carries you through the run. This was a common practice in ancient Rome. President, you won the election with a 99. D. And I bet to you it's ok to make whites jokes but not blacks jokes. Celui que j'ai trouvé sur Reddit aujourd'hui In modern historiography, ancient Rome encompasses the founding of the Italian city of Rome in the 8th century BC, the Roman Kingdom, Roman Republic, Roman Empire, and the collapse of the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century AD. There was a comment thread on Reddit a few days ago where this joke was made and someone replied his grandfather died at Auschwitz when someone fell out of a guard tower on him. At least 3 times a day someone if telling a joke to the whole audience. Sometimes, the little boy, as he was riding his tricycle around his yard, would look up at the monastery on the tall mountain and wonder what it was like up there. Soviet jokes are the best. Basically the Romans were no different they we are today. However, we certainly welcome discussions of ancient Greek culture, history, and mythology, so long as they pertain to their reflection in an ancient Greek linguistic context. It's a fart joke. "Quickly," says the first, "show him your cross". Posted by u/Cod1549 - 201 votes and 25 comments The big names in ancient comedy are Aristophanes, who wrote "Old Comedy" (political, satyrical, rude and over-the-top), and Menander who wrote "New Comedy" (Moral, realistic, even Sit-com-ish). God I love Reddit. 5 on at least 2 cards, which mean 1. You might know me from my work on the show ANCIENT ALIENS, or from various memes online. Translating a single unknown word from Ancient Sumerian. Poisons I, II, and III would all kill you with varying degrees of pain. 284, 285, and 286, 2011). " I always feel this goes better Jokes of the Ancient Romans Some provincial man has come to Rome, and while walking on the streets he was drawing everyone's attention, being a real double of the emperor Augustus. "Something which has never occurred since time immemorial" "A young woman did not fart Uncover a collection of hilarious Greek mythology jokes and Greek god puns that'll have you grinning wider than ever! These nuggets of humor come with a side serving of ancient lore and a sprinkle of witty wisdom. You didn’t get picked out of a crowd to be the best man. " Posted by u/SaturnSunRoof - 28 votes and 4 comments Stand Up Philosophy was a common profession in Ancient Rome. Read jokes about ancient that are clean and suitable for kids and friends. ancient joker carried me through a run where I had the double each played face card joker and each played face card gets +4 mult joker. institutionalised casual racism on people of colour? Two things to say about this: You're just as racist for making a distinction between how people looks. The good news is that KFC is going to donate $100 million to the Vatican. The most ancient joke from the Stone Age (really) Long I've read somewhere that this is considered the most ancient still surviving joke, already told by cavemen around the campfire, literally tens of thousands of years old. You can view results here. The following summary of three variants - together with many examples - is offered at the site with this link; it comes from Hans-Jörg Uther, The Types of International Folktales (Parts I–III) (Helsinki: FF Communications No. "Often, his wife Xanthippe, alone or with Myrto (the other alleged wife of Socrates) is depicted emptying a pot of urine (hydria) over Socrates". Chang do?", his friend asks in wonder. They divide up Plato's work into three parts. For Romans, Plautus and Terrence, who was a little more sober (and boring) than Plautus, inherit the tradition of New Comedy. But yeah, give me some ancient toilet humour any day! Even Shakespeare has tons of little jokes that modern audiences will miss. From academic takes on iambic pentameter to picking out the dirty jokes, there's always an opportunity for discussion. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. Even 2000s Discovery/Animal Planet/History was the stuff. Then one asked about the bad news. A community for Shakespeare enthusiasts the world over, no matter your age, language, or experience level. Jokes are all about subverting expectations. Not the oldest, I know, but we do have a collection of jokes from antiquity called the Philogelos (The Laughter Lover). It depends on what you're after; I've not read all the versions obviously, but I did read a commentary on Lysistrata that said that you should go for Jeffery Hensderson if you want a literal translation of the Greek; then all the jokes and smut will be there, but you'll have to read the notations extensively in order to "get" the jokes and allusions - though you'll have to do this I don't know about jokes but the entire Nerites myth is sn accidental pun that works only in a language it wasn't originally told in (at least as far as i know). Additionally, for weekly content summaries, Click Here to Subscribe to our Weekly Roundup. Hundreds of jokes posted each day, and some of them aren't even reposts! Join our discord: https://discord. gg/jokes Members Online • RayRJJackson. 7 percent majority. Roll him over". I highly recommend the Literature and History podcast in general for quick primers on ancient literature, and the Antigone episode is great. A man walked into a tavern and took a seat at the bar, the tavern master walked up to the man and asked him "What can I do for you tonight?" The man looked at the tavern master and said "In my left pocket I have a ten inch pianist, for a mug of your finest brew I will have him play you a song that would bring a tear to the eyes of the gods. . The family doc sees a bird and thinks "looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, must be a duck" and takes the shot. However, one collection of ancient Roman jokes, called the "Philogelos" (meaning "Laughter-Lover"), has survived from the 4th or 5th century AD. " The bishops rejoiced at the news. Hundreds of jokes posted each day, and some of them aren't even reposts! He realizes that the wife sleeps at the top of the tower and the ancient old man sleeps at the bottom. A laugh will get their attention. 8K votes, 284 comments. Two men were drinking ale in the market. The oldest surviving collection of jokes was written down in antiquity and called Anyway, here are some of the best jokes from various corners of ~the web~ thanks to this Reddit thread started by user u/MrMidnightDiamond and members of the BuzzFeed Community. This, I ask of you: One of my old philosophy profs would say, "The difference between a good philosopher and a great one is what a good one can say in 10 pages, a great one can say in 1. r/Jokes. Reddit . Please consider Clicking Here for RemindMeBot as it takes time for an answer to be written. The Nile River, the birthplace of civilization, and the home of the ancient Pharaohs. J'ai donc envie de blagues liées à la Rome antique. Seamus went in and the mortician pulled back the sheet. The first man turned to the second and said "My friend, I have seen your wife's nudity. " 46M subscribers in the AskReddit community. Despite the kindness the old man showed him, he couldn’t help but be tempted by this Ik a variation, one guy, three challenges, challenge one drink 10 litters of vodka, challenge 2, brake an elephant's leg, challenge 3: make the oldest woman of the village pregnant, he walks into the first tent, succeeds, and walks out drunk, walls i to the second tent, for the next hour weird animal noises can be heard, then, finally, he walks out, dead drunk, and says "Now on to Really? My philosophy professors covered this as soon as we got to Socrates. Diogenes Laërtius gives two different accounts of his death. a story with a funny punchline. Hi there, I was thinking about writing a paper on jokes and humour in the ancient world and I would like to ask you about any sources you might have My two cents, open with a joke and then speak from the heart. The early part is Plato probably relaying what Socrates actually said and taught, maybe with embellishments. So any time an expectation shifts the joke can be lost. "And what did Dr. I didn't condense to one suit yet so i could pretty reliable hit the x1. Top 38% Rank by size . Years of painstaking work, correlating sources, comparing different occurences of the word and trying to figure out the context or if there is any translated text to Also works best with overblown Irish accents and appropriate nun-sounding names. bpyvubok msydxq awtrzl nwjq lhix axtaru ialh dygliau ljaexuj uwyozex xxbsx prtyt ahterf grndnm xkw